the Thomas Ager Portfolio
TPA on 65th St.jpg
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Multi-Disciplinary Artist 

This website is currently under construction and only recently went live.   Over the coming years I will be adding lots and lots of content.   As I do, I hope you enjoy returning once in a while to this website:

A dynamic, ever-expanding look at five decades making pictures in a variety of media, music in a bunch of genres on a bevy of instruments and with evolving technological modalities, text of all kinds as well as my archive of the many collaborative projects I have been fortunate to have participated in with artists both famous and relatively unknown.  (You may also wish to follow me on Vimeo and SoundCloud.) Please note that most pages under the “Artworks” aegis require a password - given to those I trust not to pilfer and because of the current unwieldy state of so-called Artificial Intelligence harvesting operations.

Please contact me for passwords at:

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Comments & Inquiries:

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